

RFSL Luleå och norra Norrbottens län’s board

The board is elected by the members at the annual meeting each year. The board is responsible for makeing sure that the organisation is careing out the work as planed.

A plan for what the board will do is decided at the annual meeting until the next ordinary annual meeting.

The board can be contacted through the president at

The nominating committee

The nominating committee is also elected at the annual meeting each year. The task of the nominating committee is to prepare a suggestion for a new board until the next annual meeting.

The auditors

The auditors are also elected at the annual meeting each year. RFSL Luleå och norra Norrbottens län has a chartered accountant that presents their audit of the organisation’s financial statements before each annual meeting.

Election of trustees

At the annual meeting a board, a nominating committee and auditors will be appointed by all members present.