RFSL Bylaws
The branch bylaws was adopted by the RFSL congress May 11-13 2018. They were last revised by the RFSL congress in Borås October 18-20 2019. They apply to all the branches and shall apply to all the organisations joining RFSL.
§ 1 The branch’s namne
- 1.1 The branch’s name is RFSL ___________
§ 2 Affiliation
- 2.1 RFSL ____(as above)______ is a non-profit organisation and a branch within RFSL (the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Rights).
§ 3 Aim, purpose and work
- 3.1 The branch’s aim and purpose is to work for a society with diversity, openness and respect for people’s differences, where everyone, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics, has equal rights and obligations, equal value and equal opportunities to live and work.
- 3.2 The branch should carry out political work and information and support activities, to the extent in which the branch has opportunity and resources, for homosexuals, bisexuals, transgender persons, persons with queer identities and expressions and intersex persons. This work should correspond with the RFSL guiding principles, RFSL bylaws, decisions made by the RFSL congress and other steering documents.
- 3.3 The branch is a feminist and anti-racist organisation that is party politically independent and religiously unbound.
§ 4 Membership
- 4.1 The branch consists of members that recognize the branch’s and the organisation’s aim and purpose and pay a membership fee.
- 4.2 The membership fee is established by the RFSL ordinary congress.
- 4.3 The branch board can request that the association board of trustees exclude a member that has seriously damaged, or risks to seriously damage, the National Association or a branch’s work or reputation, to a considerable degree counteracts the National Association’s aim and purpose or if other serious reasons exist.
- 4.4 Every member of the branch has the right to attend, speak and make suggestions at the annual meeting and extra annual meeting and to submit motions to the ordinary annual meeting.
§ 5 Annual meeting
- 5.1 The annual meeting is the branch’s highest decision-making body.
- 5.2 The annual meeting shall be held before March 31 every year.
- 5.3 Members shall receive their summons to the annual meeting no later than six weeks before the annual meeting.
- 5.4 The summons shall include information about date, time and place for the meeting as well as the agenda. If the annual meeting is to address changes in the bylaws this should be stated in the summons.
- 5.5 Motions to the annual meeting should have reached the board no later than four weeks before the annual meeting.
- 5.6 Documents regarding issues that are to be addressed at the annual meeting should be available to the members no later than two weeks before the annual meeting.
- 5.7 The following issues shall be addressed at the annual meeting:
- Opening of the annual meeting
- Establishment of electoral register
- Question about if the meeting is called according to the bylaws
- Election of annual meeting presidium: – Chairman, – Meeting secretary
- Election of protocol adjustor
- Election of teller
- Approval of the agenda
- The board’s annual- and financial report
- The auditors’ report
- Approval of profit and loss statement and statement of financial position
- Question of discharge of liability for the board
- Bills
12.1 Adoption of bylaws (if changes have been made at the RFSL congress)
12.2 Approval of operational plan
12.3 Budget for the business year - Motions
- Election of board
– Establishment of term of mandate and the number of board members
– President
– Treasurer
– Other members**
– Alternates - Election of congress representatives
- Election of nominating committee
- Election of auditors
- Election of possible working groups and other trustees
- Other issues (not decision-making issues)
- Closing of the annual meeting
** in election of other members other member posts like vice president, secretary or other mentioned member posts can be appointed.
§ 6 Extra annual meeting
- 6.1 The board can summon to an extra annual meeting if it finds it necessary.
- 6.2 The board shall summon to an extra annual meeting if any of the branch’s auditors or the National Association’s auditors requests it.
- 6.3 The extra annual meeting can only address the issue/s that have prompted the meeting, which should be clear in the summons.
- 6.4 The board shall summon an extra annual meeting if one tenth (1/10) of the branch’s members request it, however at least ten (10). If the branch has less than ten (10) members half of the members have to request it.
- 6.5 An extra annual meeting shall be held no later than five (5) weeks after a request has been made to the board.
- 6.6 An extra annual meeting cannot be held until at least two (2) months after an ordinary annual meeting or an extra annual meeting was held. This does not apply if the request is made by an auditor.
- 6.7 Members shall receive their summons to the extra annual meeting no later than two (2) weeks before the annual meeting.
- 6.8 The summons should contain information about the date, time and place for the meeting. The summons should also include the agenda of the meeting.
- 6.9 The following issues shall be addressed at the extra annual meeting:
1. Opening of the annual meeting
2. Establishment of electoral register
3. Question about if the meeting is called according to the bylaws
4. Election of annual meeting presidium: – Chairman, – Meeting secretary
5. Election of protocol adjustor
6. Election of teller
7. Approval of the agenda
8. The issue/s that have prompted the calling of the extra annual meeting
9. Other issues (non decision making issues)
10. Closing of the annual meeting
§ 7 The board
- 7.1 The annual meeting elects the board. The board is the branch’s second highest decision making body.
- 7.2 The board shall consist of an uneven number of members, at least three (3) and at most thirteen (13), including president, treasurer and possibly other posts. Alternates can be elected to the board. Diversity when it comes to for example sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, health, ethnicity, religion or other belief, functionality, age and socioeconomic background, should be pursued as far as it’s practically possible.
- 7.3 The board manages the branch’s work and is responsible for the branch’s finances. The board shall also execute and follow up the decisions made by the annual meeting.
- 7.4 The board shall have at least four (4) recorded meetings per year.
- 7.5 In order for the board to be able to make decisions all members must have been summoned to the meeting in due order no later than seven (7) days before the meeting and the number of attending board members must be at least half of the total number of ordinary members.
- 7.6 During the board meeting the branch’s members have the right to attend, speak and make suggestions. This does not apply if the board decides otherwise for the treatment of a special issue. The board shall inform the members when a board meeting is held.
- 7.7 The board can decide that some issues become confidential. The issue is then not open to others than members, alternates and especially invited rapporteurs.
- 7.8 A decision made per capsulam shall be recorded and be addressed at the next board meeting.
- 7.9 Only members of the branch can be elected members of the board.
- 7.10 A person that’s employed by the branch or who is on the nominating committee or auditor in the branch cannot be a member of the board.
- 7.11 The president of the board summons to the board’s meetings. This task can be delegated.
- 7.12 The board is responsible for submitting the annual and financial report of the branch’s work during the past business year to the annual meeting.
- 7.13 The board is responsible for submitting an operational plan and budget for the coming business year to the annual meeting.
- 7.14 The board can co-opt people either for separate issues, a whole meeting or for a longer period.
§ 8 Decisions
- 8.1 Decisions are made by simple majority if nothing else is stated. At election of individuals relative majority applies.
- 8.2 In elections of individuals there should be a secret ballot if someone requests it.
- 8.3 A secret ballot can be applied by the annual meeting if a simple majority votes in favour of it. It’s not possible for the board or other bodies in the branch to apply a secret ballot in other issues than the election of an individual.
- 8.4 If two alternatives get an equal number of votes the chairman of the meeting has the decisive vote. This does not apply to annual meetings, elections of individuals or in the event of a secret ballot. In the event of an equal number of votes in those cases the drawing of lots decides.
- 8.5 It’s never allowed to vote by proxy.
§ 9 Management
- 9.1 The branch’s business and fiscal year is January 1 – December 31.
- 9.2 The board members can be elected as authorized signatories by the board.
- 9.3 Authorized signatories shall be two (2) persons signing jointly in such a way as the board decides.
- 9.4 The board or the authorized signatories have the right to give power of attorney, for example for bank and postal errands.
§ 10 Auditing
- 10.1 The branch shall have at least two (2) auditors. If an authorized accountant is used there only needs to be one (1).
- 10.2 The auditors shall continuously during the business year audit the board’s and possible working groups’ work and management.
- 10.3 The branch’s or the National Association’s auditors have the right to immediately gain access to all documents that concern the branch.
- 10.4 The balancing of the books shall have reached the auditors no later than four (4) weeks before the annual meeting.
- 10.5 Before every ordinary annual meeting the auditors shall make an audit report over the past business year. The audit report shall contain suggestion to the annual meeting about if the branch’s resigning board shall be granted discharge of liability or not. The auditors shall also remark upon the board’s management of the profit and loss statement and statement of financial position.
- 10.6 The audit report shall have reached the board no later than three (3) weeks before ordinary annual meeting.
§ 11 Interpretation of bylaws and changing of bylaws
- 11.1 Every branch shall adopt the branch bylaws as adopted by the congress. Changes of branch bylaws are decided upon at the congress with simple majority among attending representatives qualified to vote. For changes in § 1, § 2, § 3, § 9 and § 10 a decision with two thirds majority (2/3) among attending representatives qualified to vote, or a decision with simple majority at two (2) consecutive congresses, is necessary. Changes made by the congress in the branch bylaws applies without the branch’s confirmation.
- 11.2 The branch’s annual meeting can adopt local additional bylaws. These additional bylaws cannot contravene or counteract the contents of these branch bylaws. Additional bylaws shall be sent to the association board of trustees.
- 11.3 For adoption of and/or abolishment of additional bylaws there needs to be a decision at the branch’s ordinary annual meeting with two thirds (2/3) majority of those qualified to vote or a decision with a simple majority at two (2) consecutive ordinary annual meetings.
- 11.4 The association board of trustees settles disputes in the branch regarding the interpretation of these bylaws and possible additional bylaws.
§ 12 Dissolution of the branch
- 12.1 Decision about the dissolution of the branch can only be made at two (2) consecutive annual meetings, of which one has to be an ordinary annual meetimng. The decision must be supported by at least two thirds (2/3) of those qualified to vote.
- 12.2 The branch cannot be dissolved if at least ten (10) of the members are opposed to it. If there are less than ten (10) members the branch cannot be dissolved if half of the members are opposed to it.
- 12.3 The branch’s means and assets shall after dissolution go to RFSL.
- 12.4 The branch cannot leave RFSL if at least ten (10) members oppose this. If the number of members are fewer than ten (10) the branch cannot leave RFSL if at least half of the members are opposed to this.
- 12.5 The association board of trustees can decide about the closure of a branch if it has less than three members and hasn’t had an annual meeting in accordance with the bylaws during the current and past year. The decision can be made after the branch’s members have been given the opportunity to express themselves. The branch’s members shall be given the opportunity to switch membership to a neighbouring branch.