
Legal advise
Are you an asylum-seeking LGBTQI person with questions about your asylum process? RFSL Luleå och norra Norrbottens län (northern Norrbotten County) offers 30 minutes of free legal advice by phone with asylum lawyer Jenny Sarfati. Fill in the questionnaire below and we will help you book a phone meeting. Please note that the phone meeting will be held in English or Swedish.
Public counsel
If you are an asylum seeker you can request Jenny Sarfati as a public counsel when you contact the Swedish Migration Agency. Jenny Sarfati is a very experienced asylum lawyer with many years of court experience. She specializes in LGBTI asylum seekers. Her law firm Sarfati Juridik has a reception office in central Luleå, just a few blocks from the migration court.

If you are seeking asylum
In the movie above, RFSL’s asylum lawyers and activists give some useful advice. You can read more about seeking asylum here.