The following issues shall be addressed at the annual meeting:
- Opening of the annual meeting
- Establishment of voter register
- Question of statutory notice for the annual meeting
- Election of annual meeting presidium
4.1 Meeting chairperson
4.2 Meeting secretary - Election of protocol adjuster
- Election of vote counters
- Approval of the agenda
- The board’s annual- and financial report
- The auditors’ report
- Approval of income statement and balance sheet
- Question of discharge from liability for the board
- Propositions
12.1 Adoption of bylaws (if changes have taken place at RFSL’s congress)
12.2 Approval of operational plan
12.3 Approval of budget for the opertional year - Motions
- Election of board
14.1 Establishment of term of office and the number of members on the board
14.2 President
14.3 Treasurer
14.4 Other ordinary board members**
14.5 Deputies - Election of congress representatives
- Election of nomination committee
- Election of auditors
- Election of possible working groups and other trustees
- Other issues (not decision-making issues)
- Closing of the annual meeting
**when electing board members other member posts like vice president, secretary or other named member posts can be appointed
You can read the bylaws as a whole here.