
The following issues shall be addressed at the annual meeting:

  1. Opening of the annual meeting
  2. Establishment of voter register
  3. Question of statutory notice for the annual meeting
  4. Election of annual meeting presidium
    4.1 Meeting chairperson
    4.2 Meeting secretary
  5. Election of protocol adjuster
  6. Election of vote counters
  7. Approval of the agenda
  8. The board’s annual- and financial report
  9. The auditors’ report
  10. Approval of income statement and balance sheet
  11. Question of discharge from liability for the board
  12. Propositions
    12.1 Adoption of bylaws (if changes have taken place at RFSL’s congress)
    12.2 Approval of operational plan
    12.3 Approval of budget for the opertional year
  13. Motions
  14. Election of board
    14.1 Establishment of term of office and the number of members on the board
    14.2 President
    14.3 Treasurer
    14.4 Other ordinary board members**
    14.5 Deputies
  15. Election of congress representatives
  16. Election of nomination committee
  17. Election of auditors
  18. Election of possible working groups and other trustees
  19. Other issues (not decision-making issues)
  20. Closing of the annual meeting

**when electing board members other member posts like vice president, secretary or other named member posts can be appointed

You can read the bylaws as a whole here.